Friday, November 24, 2006


Minutes from the FFMTC meeting at the 2006 IMECE

The minutes can be found at bottom of the list of meeting minutes that is compiled here:


The 2007 "Summer Meeting"

This year's meeting during the summer is as follows:

McMat 2007

ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Conference
June 3-7, 2007 ~ University of Texas at Austin

The link to the web site for this meeting

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


FFMTC Meeting at IMECE06

We would like to inform everyone that the Applied Mechanics Division Fracture and Failure Mechanics Technical Committee is currently scheduled to hold its annual meeting during the ASME IMECE in Chicago IL on Thursday, November 9, 2006, 11:00-12:00 (noon). The meeting location has not been announced, but should appear in your program when it is available.

We would like to invite everyone to attend the meeting. The minutes of our 2005 meeting are available here:

We would encourage anyone interested in organizing sessions for the 2007 summer meeting (McMat 2007, 6/3/07-6/7/07 Austin, TX) and/or the 2007 IMECE winter meeting (11/11/07-11/16/07, Seattle, WA) to prepare a short description of the session topic for discussion during our committee meeting in Chicago. Instructions and a template for proposing sessions are here:

The tentative agenda for the November 9th committee meeting is as follows:
  1. Approval of minutes of the Committee Meeting held on November 7, 2005.
  2. Officer "Graduation" and election of a new Secretary.
  3. Report on Symposia organized at 2006 IMECE.
  4. Request for symposia/session organization in upcoming 2007 meetings.
  5. Other business.
If you wish to add an item to the agenda, please let me know before November 3rd.

Thanks for your participation in the Fracture and Failure Mechanics Technical Committee of AMD.

John Lambros, Chair
Mark Walter, Vice-Chair
Jean Francois Molinari, Secretary


Fracture on MIT's Open CourseWare

A colleague of mine who was trolling the net to learn about how others are teaching fracture mechanics came across MIT's Open CourseWare Website ( It seems to me that all course material for all of MIT's courses can be downloaded. Talk about intellectual property!

Of particular interest to this community is the Fracture and Fatigue course posted by Subra Suresh. It can be found here:

Friday, June 02, 2006


The Fatigue Calculator

I found this very interesting web page on fatigue. It looks like there are practical tools for working with fatigue as well as good technical background.


Fracture Books Discussion

Lets discuss different books that are being used for teaching fracture mechanics. You can either ask to be a contributor to this blog or I can compile e-mailed responses and periodically post summaries.

Some guidelines are as follows:

Monday, February 20, 2006


IMECE 2006

Next year's IMECE will be held in Chicago during November 5-10th, 2006. The AMD sessions will be in the second half of the week.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 6th. More information on the conference can be found at the above link.


Old Annoucements

  • The 2006 summer meeting is the 15th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics which will be held June 25-30th in Boulder, CO. As opposed to for IMECE, it is rarely difficult to get sessions for symposia at the summer meeting. If you wish to organize a session, you need to contact Stein Sture ASAP.

    For participants, important dates are as follows:

    15 July 2005 Announcement of mini-symposia
    15 January 2006 One-page abstracts due
    15 March 2006 Acceptance and declination e-mails sent
    15 May 2006 Deadline for early registration
    25-30 June 2006 15th USNCTAM Meeting

  • Next year's IMECE will be held in Chicago during November 5-10th, 2006. The AMD sessions will be in the second half of the week.

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    • Our committee meeting at the 2005 IMECE in Orland, FL will take place from 10:00-10:30 AM on Monday, November 7th in Europe 1.
    • Anyone interested in organizing symposia for the 2005 IMECE should bring symposium submission flyer to the committee meeting. If you cannot make the meeting, please e-mail your flyer to one of the Committee Officers listed above. Your flyer should include the following:
      • the proposed title of the session/symposium
      • the number of sessions requested
      • other committee co-sponsorships sought
      • a brief description of the scope of the sessions
      • names/addresses/contact information of the organizers
    • The FFTC is proud to have sponsored the following sessions for the 2004 IMECE. More details can be found in the Program Overview (click on "Applied Mechanics" and then "Fracture and Failure Mechanics.")
      • AMD-9 G Dynamic Fragmentation of Brittle Materials

        Session Schedule: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 07:45 AM-09:15 AM

      • AMD-10 E Failure Phenomena of Inhomogeneous Materials

        Session Schedule: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 09:30 AM-11:00 AM

      • AMD-11 E Failure Phenomena of Inhomogeneous Materials

        Session Schedule: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 11:15 AM-12:45 PM

      • AMD-12 E Failure Phenomena of Inhomogeneous Materials

        Session Schedule: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 02:00 PM-03:30 PM

    • The Fracture and Failure Mechanics Technical Committee typically works very closely with the "Experimental Mechanics" committee and the "Dynamic Materials Response" committee. Please take a look at their symposia in the Program Overview


    • Our committee meeting at the 2004 IMECE in Anaheim, CA will take place from 4:00-6:00 PM on Thursday, November 18th in Mezzanine 11, Third Floor, Anaheim Hilton.
    • Anyone interested in organizing symposia for the 2005 IMECE should bring symposium submission flyer to the committee meeting. If you cannot make the meeting, please e-mail your flyer to one of the Committee Officers listed above. Your flyer should include the following:
      • the proposed title of the session/symposium
      • the number of sessions requested
      • other committee co-sponsorships sought
      • a brief description of the scope of the sessions
      • names/addresses/contact information of the organizers
    • The FFTC is proud to have sponsored the following sessions for the 2004 IMECE. We have also provided a link to a complete list of talks and authors for the sessions we have sponsored. We hope you can attend these talks.
      • AMD-8D Mechanics on the Nanoscale and Microscale
        (WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17; 7:45-9:15 AM).
      • AMD-9D Modeling Material Damage and Fracture in Structure Failure
        (WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17; 9:30-11:00 AM)
      • AMD-10C Dynamic fragmentation of brittle materials
        (WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17; 11:15-12:45 PM)
      • AMD-13A Fracture of Thin Films, Coatings and Interfaces
        (WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17; 6:00-7:30 PM)
      • AMD-13B Modeling of Complex Fracture Phenomena
        (WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17; 6:00-7:30 PM )
      • AMD-14B Fatigue and Fracture at the Micro- and Nanometer Scale
        (THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18; 7:45-09:15 AM)
      • AMD-19D Characterization and Failure of Nanomaterials Reinforced Composites
        (THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18; 5:30-7:00 PM)


    1. Our committee meeting at the 2003 IMECE in Washington DC will take place from 4:30-6:00 PM on Tuesday, November 18th. Note that this is not the original time scheduled for this meeting and as of 10/23/03, the ASME web site still does not show the correct time.
    2. Anyone interested in organizing symposia for the 2004 IMECE in Anaheim should bring symposium submission flyer to the committee meeting. If you cannot make the meeting, please e-mail your flyer to one of the Committee Officers listed above. Your flyer should include the following:
    • the proposed title of the session/symposium
    • the number of sessions requested
    • other committee co-sponsorships sought
    • a brief description of the scope of the sessions
    • names/addresses/contact information of the organizers
    1. The following sessions at the IMECE in Washington DC are sposored or co-sposored by the Fracture and Failure Mechanics Committee:
      • AMD-11A Failure Mechanics at the Nanoscale and Microscale I (Monday, November 17, 2003 07:45 AM-09:15 AM)
      • AMD-11A Failure Mechanics at the Nanoscale and Microscale II (Monday, November 17, 2003 09:30 AM-11:00 AM)
      • AMD-11A Failure Mechanics at the Nanoscale and Microscale III (Tuesday, November 18, 2003 09:30 AM-11:00 AM)
      • AMD-7A Integrated Experimental/Computational Failure Analysis (Monday, November 17, 2003 11:15 AM-12:45 PM)
      • AMD-7B Failure of Coatings and Interfaces (Monday, November 17, 2003 11:15 AM-12:45 PM)
      • AMD-7C Dynamic Failure Response of Multiphase and Heterogeneous Materials (Monday, November 17, 2003 11:15 AM-12:45 PM)


    Teaching Fracture Mechanics

    At a recent committee meeting it was decided that we should be helping each other as well as the broader fracture and failure mechanics community to teach fracture mechanics. One way to acomplish this is to begin an on-line discussion of which topics to teach, how to most effectively teach various topics, which books to use, etc. It is felt that the best way to initiate this discussion is by posting syllabi. At some point we might also decide to post notes.

    At present, since this blog is hosted at, there does not appear to be a way to post files. As this discussion develops, we might look for a different way to host the blog. In the meantime, we could just cut and paste our syllabi into the posting. My syllabus is given below.

    Engineering Fracture Mechanics
    Winter Quarter 2005

    [This is an introductory, graduate level course. There are typically also a few advanced undergraduates in the class. It is a 10 week class. In order to cover all the material listed below, notes are provided in PDF form and are projected during the lecture.]

    Lecture: Tuesday & Thursday 10:30-11:48 PM

    M. Walter, 292-6081,

    Text: "Principles of Fracture Mechanics," by R.J. Sanford; Prentice Hall, 2002.

    Homework: 30%
    Lab: 15%
    Mid-Term Exam: 25%
    Final Exam: 30%

    Course Objectives, Composition and Consultation: The objectives of this course are to introduce concepts of fracture mechanics for application to engineering problems. Fracture Mechanics is generally understood to be the study of the stress/strain response and the initiation and propagation of cracks in bodies that have an existing crack. Upon completing this course students will have been exposed to concepts listed on the syllabus below. Although working and studying in groups is encouraged, all work that is submitted for grading must be your own. Situations which call into question the originality of the work will be submitted to the Committee on Academic Misconduct.

    Homework: Homework problems will be assigned at the discretion of the instructor. Expect 4-5 assignments throughout the quarter.

    Laboratory: One or two labs will be arranged outside of class time. A lab write-up
    will be assigned, collected, and graded.

    Term and Final Exams: An open-notes term exam will be given 5-6 weeks into the
    quarter. The final exam will be comprehensive exam. It may consist of a short in-class
    portion and a take-home portion.

    Jan. 4 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics and Linear Elasticity
    Jan. 6 Linear Elasticity: 3-d Equations, 2-d Analysis
    Jan. 11 Singular Stress Fields: Stress Intensity Factor; Williams Solution
    Jan. 13 No Class
    Jan. 18 Westergaard Solution and Applications
    Jan. 20 Stress Intensity Factors for Various Geometries and Loadings (Analytical Methods)
    Jan. 25 Numerical Determination of K
    Jan. 27 Experimental Determination of K
    Feb. 1 Stress Fields and Critical Stress Intensity Factors: specimen sizes, K-dominance
    Feb. 3 Crack-Tip Plasticity: small-scale yielding
    Feb. 8 Mid-Term
    Feb. 10 Energy Approaches and Energy Equivalence
    Feb. 15 R-Curves
    Feb. 17 Fracture Toughness Testing Lab
    Feb. 22 Elastic Plastic Fracture: the J-Integral and COD
    Feb. 24 Elastic Plastic Fracture Mechanics Testing
    Mar. 1 Micromechanisms of Fracture
    Mar. 3 Fatigue Crack Growth
    Mar. 8 Damage Tolerant Design
    Mar. 10 Nondestructive Evaluation


    Proposing Symposia

    The main function of committee meetings is to discuss symposia proposed for upcoming meetings.

    Organizing symposia is typically very straightforward. It is also a great way for junior-level faculty to become well-known in the mechanics community. Also, consider co-sponsorship with other technical committees. We welcome all submissions. Your submission should consist of the following:
    The following is a template for your submission. You can copy and paste it into a word processor and then subsitite the relevant information for the turquois text.

    Fracture and Failure Mechanics Technical Committee



    Symposium Title: Enter Title Here

    Number of Sessions Requested: N

    Co-Sponsorship(s): enter number of session requested from other TCs

    Symposium Description:

    Provide a brief description.

    Organizer Information:

    Your Name
    Your Affiliation
    Your Phone Number
    Your E-mail


    Meeting Minutes

    Minutes from AMD Fracture and Failure Mechanics Technical Committee Meetings

    Jun, 1999:
    Va Tech Mechanics and Materials Conference
    Nov, 1999:
    1999 IMECE
    Nov, 2000:
    2000 IMECE
    Jun, 2001:
    UCSD Mechanics and Materials Conference
    Nov, 2001:
    2001 IMECE in New York
    Nov, 2002:
    2002 IMECE in New Orleans
    Nov, 2003:
    2003 IMECE in Washington DC
    Nov, 2004:
    2004 IMECE in Anaheim, CA
    Nov, 2005:
    2005 IMECE in Orlando, FL
    Nov, 2006: 2006 IMECE in Chicago, IL


    Current Officers

    Below are the names and addresses of the Current Officers of the Fracture and Failure Mechanics Technical Committee. The terms for these officers expire in June of 2007.

    Feel free to contact any of the officers if you have questions about our committee. Note that the "@" symbol in the e-mail addresses has been replaced by "_at_" to help keep us off of spam lists.


    Dr. John Lambros (2007)
    University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
    Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Department
    306 Talbot Lab, MC-236
    104 South Wright St.
    Urbana, IL 61801
    Tel: 217-333-2242
    Fax: 217-244-0720

    Vice Chair
    Dr. Mark Walter (2007)
    Ohio State University
    Mechanical Engineering
    2075 Robinson Laboratory
    206 W. 18th Avenue
    Columbus, OH 43210
    Tel : 614-292-6081
    Fax: 614-292-3163

    Dr. Jean Francois Molinari (2007)
    The Johns Hopkins University
    Department of Mechanical Engineering
    223 Latrobe Hall
    3400 North Charles Street
    Baltimore, MD 21218
    Tel: 410-516-4398
    Fax: 410-516-7254


    Current Members

    The following is a list of persons who have attended our technical committee meetings in the past. Many of those listed below have also organized symposia for the IMECE and AMD Summer meetings. Note that "mailto" tags have been removed and the "@" replaced with "_at_". This will hopefully help keep your e-mail off of spam lists.

    Cemal Basaran
    SUNY, Buffalo
    Ashraf Bastawros
    Iowa State University
    Jack Beuth
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Florin Bobaru
    University of Nebraska, Lincoln
    Bill Y. J. Chao
    University of South Carolina
    Ioannis Chasiotis
    University of Virginia
    Weinong (Wayne) Chen
    Purdue University
    Ching-Shan Cheng
    General Motors (on leave)
    Ravi Chona
    US Air Force Research Laboratory
    Chi Chow
    University of Michigan-Dearborn
    Xiaomin Deng
    University of South Carolina
    Marty Dunn
    University of Colorado
    Ruquiang Feng
    University of Nebraska, Lincoln
    Philippe Geubelle
    University of Illinois, Urbana
    Bruce Kang
    Wester Virginia University
    George A. Kardomateas
    Georgia Tech
    Sanjeev Khanna
    University of Missouri
    Kyung-Suk Kim
    Brown University
    Vikram K. Kinra
    Texas A&M
    Nathan Klingbeil
    Wright State University
    Wolfgang Knauss
    Cal. Tech
    Albert S. Kobayashi
    University of Washington
    DV Kubair
    Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
    Jeff Kysar
    Columbia University
    John Lambros
    University of Illinois, Urbana
    Michael Larson
    Tulane University
    Kenneth M. Liechti
    University of Texas, Austin
    Jimmy Liu
    Air Force Research Lab
    Scott X. Mao
    University of Pittsburgh

    Robert McMeeking
    University of California, Santa Barbara
    Sinisa Mesarovic
    Washington State University
    Yozo Mikata
    Lockheed Martin
    T.C. Miller
    Air Force Research Lab
    Jean Francois Molinari
    Johns Hopkins University
    Toshio Nakamura
    SUNY, Stony Brook
    Richard W. Neu
    Georgia Tech
    Glaucio Paulino
    University of Illinois, Urbana
    Mick Peterson
    University of Maine
    Vikas Prakash
    Case Western Reserve University
    H. Jerry Qi
    University of Colorado
    Jianmin Qu
    Georgia Tech
    Yapa Rajapakse
    Office of Naval Research
    A.M. Rajendran
    Army Research Office
    K.T. Ramesh
    Johns Hopkins University
    K. Ravi-Chandar
    University of Texas at Austin
    G. Ravichandran
    California Institute of Technology
    A. Rosakis
    California Institute of Technology
    C.-E. Rousseau
    University of Rhode Island
    A. Shukla
    University of Rhode Island
    C. W. Smith
    Virginia Tech
    Hareesh Tippur
    Auburn University
    Vikas Tomar
    University of Notre Dame
    Raman Singh
    SUNY, Stony Brook
    Mark Walter
    Ohio State University
    Luoyu Roy Xu
    Vanderbilt University
    Alan Zehnder
    Cornell University
    Ting Zhu
    Georgia Institute of Technology

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